

Integrated BI/AI Solution Helps Enterprises Quickly Build Large-scale Intelligent Applications


Difficulty in Processing Real-time Super-massive Data

AI intelligent applications necessitate training and fine-tuning with vast amounts of data, often involving massive datasets that require real-time processing and analysis. This presents a significant challenge to data processing capabilities, which many enterprises currently find difficult to address.

Complex Type of Data

Training and inference in AI intelligent applications involve a variety of data types, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data like images, audio, and text. Storing and utilizing such diverse heterogeneous data requires specialized data technology capabilities.

Fragmentation of Large Model Toolchains

The surge in large-scale model applications this year is significant, but the toolchains for developing these models are highly fragmented. This fragmentation encompasses various aspects, such as model training, vectorization of proprietary data, and invoking large models. As a result, there are disjointed processes in data management and model development, which in turn elevate the complexity involved in development and maintenance.

Serious Illusions in Large Model Applications

Although today's large models have greatly improved over past NLP capabilities, they inherently remain probabilistic-based technologies. This leads to unavoidable illusions and inaccuracies in large models, especially in providing precise answers, posing significant challenges to intelligent applications.


By integrating the functionalities of data lakes, data warehouses, and vector databases, this solution provides a unified platform for data processing and AI model applications. Leveraging advanced distributed computing technology, it enables real-time processing of massive datasets. The solution caters to various data types and offers a comprehensive toolchain for vector data, streamlining data management and model development processes. Furthermore, the MatrixOne solution accommodates mixed BI and AI queries, delivering precise answers to intelligent applications based on natural language questions.

  • Super-massive Data Real-time Processing Capability

    The MatrixOne solution harnesses the power of advanced cloud-native separation of storage and compute, along with MPP technology. This combination enables the solution to achieve real-time processing of vast amounts of data, meeting the stringent real-time requirements of intelligent applications. By leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, MatrixOne ensures efficient and high-performance data processing capabilities for a seamless user experience.

  • Capability to Handle Complex Types of Data

    The MatrixOne solution supports processing various types of data and importing data from diverse sources, effectively storing and parsing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. As a result, it provides a rich data source for intelligent applications.

  • Integrated Large Model and Vector Database Capability

    MatrixOne's solution supports both batch processing and real-time analysis on the same platform, providing good support for scheduled reporting, ad-hoc queries, and real-time monitoring.

  • Support for Mixed BI and AI Queries

    The MatrixOne solution supports mixed BI and AI queries. It enables to get precise answers in SQL query form for questions with specific answers based on natural language queries, and combines the context capabilities of large models to provide as accurate and humanized answers as possible.

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